Venture into the captivating realm of imagination and adventure with “The Secret Kingdom”, a stunning family fantasy film directed and written by the acclaimed Matt Drummond. The film showcases a phenomenal cast, including Sam Everingham, Alyla Browne, Alice Parkinson, Chris Gabardi, Darius Williams, and Beth Champion, offering a mesmerizing performance that enthralls audiences of all ages.
“The Secret Kingdom” follows the extraordinary journey of two siblings, Peter and Verity. A magical kingdom hidden beneath their bedroom floor becomes their secret to guard against an ancient nemesis, the sinister Shroud. Tasked with the mission of uniting five mystical treasures to safeguard their secret kingdom, Peter and Verity’s adventure unfolds.
This gripping narrative is not merely an adventure; it’s a testament to bravery, resilience, and the magic of belief. As Peter and Verity confront formidable challenges and confront their deepest fears, audiences will find themselves on the edge of their seats, captivated by the siblings’ daring exploits.
Prepare yourself for an enthralling cinematic experience that transcends the ordinary. “The Secret Kingdom” promises a thrilling, unforgettable journey into a world of enchantment and wonder, suitable for the entire family.
Mark your calendars, as the magic of “The Secret Kingdom” unveils in Theaters, available on Video on Demand (VOD) and On Demand starting from June 9.
With a PG rating and a runtime of 98 minutes, it’s the perfect pick for a delightful family movie night. Dive into the adventure and discover the magic within “The Secret Kingdom”.