The iconic horror film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is set to make its chilling...
Carved Premieres October 21—A Future Halloween Camp Classic! This...
movie NEWS
Get ready for a heart-pounding cinematic experience! The Wasp, an emotionally charged...
The iconic horror film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is set to...
The Graduates, directed by Hannah Peterson, premieres in U.S. theaters on November 1, 2024. Watch the trailer at AndersonVision and learn more!
Warner archive blu-ray reviews
The Stars Fell on Henrietta arrived less than 30 years ago, however...
Northwest Passage is the tale of a college dropout who just wants...
Marie: A True Story is a mid 1980s movie starring my favorite actress. Also, I forgot it existed until the movie was sent my way to cover. Director Roger Donaldson...
latest news
Available November 12, 2024 from Shout! Studios This Veterans Day, prepare to experience Oliver Stone’s...
Carved Premieres October 21—A Future Halloween Camp Classic! This Halloween season, prepare...
Get ready for a heart-pounding cinematic experience! The Wasp, an emotionally charged...
The iconic horror film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is set to...
The Graduates, directed by Hannah Peterson, premieres in U.S. theaters on November 1, 2024. Watch the trailer at AndersonVision and learn more!
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