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The NECA Vault reopens with limited edition Horror and Batman figures to close out 2022

The NECA Vault reopens with Horror and Batman figures just in time to let Ari and his fellow collectors have a happy Holiday season.

Halloween (2018) Michael Myers

The NECA Vault reopens with limited edition Horror and Batman figures to close out 2022 1

Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors Anniversary Freddy Krueger

The NECA Vault reopens with limited edition Horror and Batman figures to close out 2022 3

Batman is up next.

The NECA Vault reopens with limited edition Horror and Batman figures to close out 2022 5

The NECA Vault reopens on Tuesday November 15th for the Warehouse Sale.

While I’m not a Toy Collector, I realize we have a ton of NECA fans at the site. Plus, all of this stuff looks super cool. Usually, that’s enough for me to be into it.

That being said, what else can we expected from the Warehouse Sale? I don’t know about you, but I’ll be keeping my eye open.

The NECA Vault reopens just in time for Nerd Christmas

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