Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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Pat Boone, Ritual, Dick Cavett, Guard Dog, Becoming Astrid [DVD Review]

Pat Boone and Family: Springtime & Easter Specials

Pat Boone and his family had two Holiday specials in the 1970s. This Springtime specials play to an America that doesn’t exist more. Well, some still exist. It’s just that they’ve gone far more militant on other issues. What I don’t get is the cameo from Don Rickles. CPO Sharkey was a hit, but was it enough to get him all buddy buddy with Pat Boone?

I love that MPI is bringing these deep TV cuts to market. However, between the special features loaded with promos and the actual content…I wonder who is left to enjoy them. Corny 70s prime time TV specials have a fixed audience. Does that audience exist past YouTube clips? I might be the wrong person to ask. Hell, I went out of my way to pick up a copy of the Paul Lynde Halloween special.

Pat Boone


Ritual is based on the philosophy of Alejandro Jodorowsky. I’m not sure how that works, but Jodo gets a cameo in the film. Ritual is a psychomagical journey into one woman’s desires to beat her depression through sex. Mystics, sex opportunities and ample Italian sexuality permeate through the entire film. What hurts the movie is how short it plays. Well, that and not having any solid Pat Boone roller-skating action.

Becoming Astrid

Becoming Astrid takes a serious look at the woman who brought us Pippi Longstockings. Seriously, it’s darker than I expected. Astrid grew up in a religious family, left for the big city newspaper job and got pregnant. After going to Denmark to give up her baby, the foster mother gets super sick and has to return the kid. Meanwhile, Astrid doesn’t want to be a mother, as she wants to keep telling tales of an obnoxious ginger kid.

The interview featurette on the DVD only gave me more questions. So, I guess this is one for the Pippi fans.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog should have became a joke around the site. However, I wouldn’t let anyone else watch it. The film follows a 9 year old that is committing petty sins and flunking out of school. One day, a magical sheepdog appears to make him follow ‘The Rules’. The dog’s name is Abba and it’s invisible. Did I forget that part? Well, it’s important.

This kid turns away from Juvie Hall to upright citizen with the help of his furry hidden dog friend. Some might say it’s a metaphor for a deity, while others will go why am I watching this? Honestly, I’m shocked that one of the bigger personality YouTube film commentators haven’t tackled this one. But, I guess it’s no Baby Huey.

The Dick Cavett Show: Inside The Minds of Vol. 3

The Dick Cavett Show specials play well to us old heads. However, what is new here on these two discs? Dick Cavett is pretty good at making his clips available on YouTube. I feel like I’ve seen most of the Redd Foxx and Bill Cosby interviews by now. What makes the thing so impressive is seeing Cavett’s reach across the decades. From 1969 to 1990, Cavett doesn’t bat an eye when talking to the pioneers of Black Comedy. Honestly, I feel this stuff would work better as part of a box set.

All DVDs are now available! Get your Pat Boone on.

Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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