Friday, February 14, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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The Kid Who Would Be King: 5 Hot Takes [Review]

The Kid Who Would Be King is one of the most underrated films of 2019. Unfortunately, this means that not enough of you people got out to see it. In honor of the Blu-ray release, here are 5 hot takes designed to shame you into a random human feeling. I like to call this Passive Aggressive Social Media Roulette.

kid who would be king

  1. The film was directed by Joe Cornish. He’s one of the new British film favorite directors. But, like most off the beaten path talents, you only acknowledge his work after a major film website has dubbed him/her cool. Well, now is that time.
  2. The Arthurian Legend handed over to properly aged kids is handled so well. Plus, this Blu-ray release actually is designed for kids. You get 4 activity sheets included in the package.
  3. Patrick Stewart is amazing as Merlin. Why has the one and future Jean-Luc Xavier never played Merlin before now? I’m incredibly disappointed in all casting agents that took this long to make happen.
  4. Perfectly timed at just two hours, it’s long enough to tell a story and short enough to keep kids’ interest.
  5. Releases like this bombing in America make me wonder how Time Bandits and other kid classics would have fared in the modern age. Sure, we have more avenue trying to take our media attention. It’s just that I’m really starting to become underwhelmed by modern audience taste. The Kid Who Would Be King deserves your attention.

The Kid Who Would Be King arrives on April 16th.

Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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