Simchas and Sorrows poster

Simchas and Sorrows gets VOD and Theatrical release September 16th

Genevieve Adams’ Simchas and Sorrows will be getting a theatrical bow at the Laemmle NOHO Theater on Friday, September 16th. A VOD release will follow on Tuesday September 20th!

The movie is an interfaith romantic comedy, so it’s something that your Aunt will love. The edgelords out there will want to skip it for some of the graphic horror stuff we have coming up later.

Simchas and Sorrows gets VOD and Theatrical release September 16th 74

Chip Zien (the voice of Howard the Duck) also stars. That means a lot to me. Check it out when it hits VOD unless you live in the Laemmle NOHO area, then go see it there.

Simchas and Sorrows comes to NOHO and VOD on September 16th and 20th respectively