Shout! Studios, a dynamic multi-platform media company, and the iconic Toei Animation Inc., renowned for its legendary anime creations, have recently announced an exciting development for Digimon fans. The much-awaited 2023 feature film, “DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 THE BEGINNING,” will soon be available for home entertainment. This film is a significant milestone, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the globally cherished Digimon anime franchise.
Melissa Boag, Shout! Studios’ Executive Vice President, and Masayuki Endo, President and CEO of Toei Animation Inc., made this announcement, sparking excitement among the Digimon community. This new distribution deal marks a significant collaboration, honoring the legacy of the Digimon series.
Shout! Studios has acquired the North American home entertainment distribution rights for “DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 THE BEGINNING,” covering both the U.S. and Canada. This includes all packaged media and digital rights for electronic sell-through. Fans can anticipate a strategic and multi-platform rollout in 2024, ensuring that this new movie reaches a wide audience across various entertainment platforms.
As the excitement builds, Shout! Studios and Toei Animation promise to share additional news and fan-centric activities in the upcoming months. This partnership not only brings a fresh installment to Digimon enthusiasts but also celebrates the rich history of this beloved franchise.
The film, produced by Toei Animation and directed by Tomohisa Taguchi with scriptwriting by Akatsuki Yamatoya, presents a modern continuation of the Digimon Adventure 02 series. The story follows the DigiDestined children, now as 20-year-old adults, embarking on new adventures in a world where humans and Digimon coexist.
North American audiences will have the pleasure of experiencing the film with an English dub, produced specifically for its U.S. theatrical run. The voice cast includes seasoned talents like Brian Donovan, Jeannie Tirado, Bryce Papenbrook, Tara Sands, Johnny Yong Bosch, and Derek Stephen Prince, bringing a familiar and dynamic auditory experience to the film.
Set in 2012, a decade after the initial adventures in the Digital World, “DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 THE BEGINNING” follows a 20-year-old Daisuke Motomiya and the other DigiDestined as they encounter new challenges and transformations. The appearance of a giant Digitama over Tokyo Tower and a mysterious young man named Lui Ohwada sets the stage for an intriguing new chapter in the Digimon saga.
A Must-Watch for Digimon Adventure Fans and Newcomers Alike
Whether you’re a long-time Digimon fan or new to the franchise, “DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 THE BEGINNING” offers an engaging and nostalgic experience, blending the charm of the original series with fresh storytelling and character development. Keep an eye out for its home entertainment release in 2024 and get ready to dive back into the enchanting world of Digimon.