Shelf Life makes its long-awaited debut from Liberation Hall on January 21, 2025, bringing Paul Bartel’s final directorial effort to a global audience in a new Blu-ray and DVD edition. Starring O-Lan Jones (Edward Scissorhands), Andrea Stein (Hard to Kill), and Jim Turner (Arli$$), the film was originally released in 1993 before disappearing for three decades—fitting for a movie about three siblings trapped underground for 30 years.
In the wake of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, a fearful couple rushes their family into a nuclear fallout shelter. Their three children, Pam, Scotty, and Tina, lose their parents early on and grow up alone, cut off from society. By 1993, these child-like adults have stitched together their own warped universe of role-playing games and illusions, living as if it’s still 1963. Tensions rise when the siblings’ imagination becomes more damaging than any real-world apocalypse.
- Adapted from a stage play directed by Maryedith Burrell, with the original cast also co-writing the script.
- Helmed by Paul Bartel (Eating Raoul, Death Race 2000), known for his sharp wit and boundary-pushing approach to indie filmmaking.
- Discovered 35mm print revived the film after years of obscurity.

Shelf Life Bonus Features
- Audio commentary with O-Lan Jones, Andrea Stein, Jim Turner, Philip Holahan, and 2024 Oscar nominee Alex Mechanik.
- American Cinematheque Q&A session with O-Lan Jones, Andrea Stein, Jim Turner, and Alex Mechanik.
- Q&A with Tina, Pam, and Scotty (2023).
- Trailers and a “Chain Reaction” clip.
- Soundtrack includes “In My Moondream,” performed by Andy Paley and Brian Wilson.