school for scoundrels title alastair sim's school for laughter blu-ray title

Alastair Sim’s School for Laughs Blu-ray review

Alastair Sim’s School for Laughs is another killer Blu-ray release from Film Movement. But, I’m mainly talking about the film history aspect. The actual quality of the films are a mixed bag that will only hold humorous appeal to aging members of the UK. I appreciate Film Movement reaching out to grab those foreign films that slip out of the US market. It’s just that I’m starting to wonder if Alastair Sim was ever funny.

The Belles of St. Trinian’s is a popular classic British comedy. They even tried a half-hearted attempt at a reimagining about a decade ago or more. But, it means nothing to anyone outside of the UK. Alastair Sim gender bends as the lead characters, but it’s the girls who shine. Young ladies gambling and being boisterous? I already popped my monocle.

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School for Scoundrels is far more well known for its remake. Well, for people that remember the remake. Much like that 00s double take, the original wants to be more than the sum of its parts. Basically, it’s a romantic comedy about young men learning how to act around young women.

Laughter in Paradise feels like a sitcom. A rich old weirdo dies and leaves his wealth to four heirs. In order to win the money, the surviving members have to partake in pranks and grabassery to appease the spirit of the long dead pervert.

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Hue and Cry is the last and the least of the included films. The film is about a secret kid club and how it gets tied into underground crime. It’s best remembered for being the first Ealing comedy. Past that, nothing. The release comes with 2 hours of bonus material including a new booklet.

Alastair Sim’s School for Laughs hits Blu-ray on April 21st, 2020