Psychological Thriller "Condition of Return" Arrives Theaters and On Demand September 22 75

Psychological Thriller “Condition of Return” Arrives Theaters and On Demand September 22

Prepare for a dark character study when the provocative drama Condition of Return hits theaters and on demand September 22 from Stonecutter Media.

Starring AnnaLynne McCord (90210), Dean Cain (Lois & Clark), and Natasha Henstridge (Species), this tense thriller follows a schoolteacher’s disturbing descent after she’s arrested for a horrific crime.

During an interrogation by a police psychologist (Cain), McCord’s character Eve recounts her traumatic past. But she soon turns the tables, uncovering the doctor’s own troubling secrets.

Psychological Thriller
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With its cast of 1990s icons and themes of moral ambiguity, Condition of Return promises a simmering neo-noir descent into the psyche. Director Tommy Stovall maintains an atmosphere of creeping dread and inevitable doom.

Condition of Return will open September 22 in select theaters nationwide for week-long runs. It also arrives the same day on VOD services like Vudu. Then on October 23, the film premieres on iTunes and other digital platforms.

Don’t miss this riveting thriller about damaged souls and blurred lines when Condition of Return arrives in cinemas and homes later in September.

The darkness in all of us will be laid bare.