Monday, February 10, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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“Billionaire Boys Club” is a film that exists. I’m not sure how it exists or what happened with the movie past the inventive opening scene. Yet, I’ve seen it twice now. I don’t think I completed a viewing of the 1987 TV-movie that birthed this remake. Honestly, if the Kevin Spacey baggage hanging over this movie weren’t a thing…would anyone have watched this? I guess that some of you Reddit guys would’ve checked it out for the half-assed Emma Roberts topless scene.

I never would have thought that Cary Elwes would play a fantastic Andy Warhol. Honestly, I want to find one of the meme kids and get them to make an endless amount of gifs and other crap when the film hits home video. But, let’s get back to the movie. Did you see Boiler Room? Did you see Wolf of Wall Street? How about if we took that mentality and applied it to some of America’s hottest B level male celebrities.

The dynamics of the real case and the earlier TV movie are here. Kevin Spacey’s character still catches a bullet and the rest of the Club turns on each other. I did enjoy the fun Judd Nelson cameo, but what was new in 1987 feels old in 2018. When you do true crime, you have to get realer than real. Bring up a sense of world rather than a half-assed attempt to play up to restage the originals. Check it out VOD, as I’m not sure this one is even getting a traditional theatrical release.


  • 1 hr and 48 mins
  • R
  • Vertical Entertainment

RELEASE DATE: 7/17/18 (limited) 8/17/18 (slightly wider)

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Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.


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