Jeanne du Barry follows the story of Jeanne Vaubernier (Maïwenn), a working-class woman determined to climb the social ladder using her charms to escape her impoverished life. Her lover, the Comte du Barry (Melvil Poupaud), orchestrates a meeting with King Louis XV (Johnny Depp) through the influential Duke of Richelieu (Pierre Richard). The encounter surpasses all expectations, as it is love at first sight for the King and Jeanne. This captivating courtesan reignites the King’s zest for life, making Jeanne his last official mistress. However, scandal erupts as the Court struggles to accept a girl from the streets into their rarified world.
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Jeanne du Barry will be available on all On Demand platforms starting May 21. Don’t miss this enthralling period drama filled with love, ambition, and scandal.