“Pandas: The Journey Home” takes you to the Wolong Panda Center in China. The Chinese are working hard to make sure that the Pandas can still thrive in the wild. The documentary is short, but it keeps focus on how the Wolong Center has finally bred 300 Pandas in captivity. Now, they have hundred of Giant Pandas that need to return to the wild. Over 40 minutes, we watch these Pandas return to the wild.
The 3D transfer is amazing on this release. But, the nature documentaries get a lot of help in that effort. The exterior environments allow for wide range and immense field of depth. Even the 2D transfer benefits from the open nature of the Bamboo Forest. The Blu-Ray only comes with a featurette as the sole special feature.
Still, watching Tau Tau leave his caretakers and return to nature is fascinating. If you’ve got little ones, this is a great film to watch with them. I’d like to thank Virgil Films again for working National Geographic on that front. I can’t handle anymore BabyFirst TV and these releases keep my sanity.
Release Date: 6/16/15