From Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders) comes A Thousand Blows, a six-episode historical drama diving into the world of illegal boxing in 1880s Victorian London. Based on real characters and set against the gritty East End, it follows the fortunes of best friends Hezekiah Moscow and Alec Munroe as they flee Jamaica—only to face the brutal realities of bare-knuckle fights and criminal schemes in the shadowy underbelly of the city.
While Hezekiah finds success in the ring, he catches the eye of Mary Carr, the infamous “Queen of the Forty Elephants,” who aims to exploit his rise for her own ends. Meanwhile, East End boxing kingpin Sugar Goodson grows determined to crush Hezekiah, fearing his West End ambitions threaten everything he’s built. A Thousand Blows delivers a fierce clash between old and new, where loyalty, power, and survival hang in the balance.
- Premiere Date: February 21, 2025
- Episodes: 6
- Setting: 1880s Victorian London
- Genre: Historical Drama, Crime, Sports