“Evil Ed” is a Swedish attempt at miming Raimi and Gordon’s previous horror work. But, it is done with the panache of a Troma production. While the FX and gore are great for a mid 1990s movie, I learned something by comparing the two cuts on disc. Chopping out a montage can really help the momentum of a film and this wasn’t really the greatest horror movie. What “Evil Ed” turned out to be was a heavily dubbed carnage fest.
There are jokes in the movie and the humor probably plays better in Sweden. However, there’s a special magic when you deal with characters like Bondage Face. It’s that feeling that happens when a film that started as a protest against censorship practices becomes an effective horror film. That magic that exists when student filmmakers use the flexible horror genre to make that stretch into professionals. Hell, having Choptop do some voice work wasn’t the worst choice either.
While this wasn’t a movie that everyone knew from their teen years, it’s worth discovering now. All credit to Arrow to bringing this gem back to the public consciousness.
- Featurettes
- Interviews
- Documentary
- Deleted Scenes
- Two Cuts of the Film
- 1.78:1 1080p transfer
- DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track