Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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An Interview with Clare Grant

Steve: Hey Clare!

Clare: Hey how are you? How are you?

Steve: Thanks for talking to us today! Not bad, it’s a decent hour of the morning for once! I’m used to doing interviews at like 5am usually… so…

Clare: No problem, oooh thats right you’re in Australia!!! We were there a couple of months ago!

Steve: You were? For a holiday?

Clare: No! I was down there with the Robot Chicken crew, for the Armageddon expo that was there and in New Zealand!

Steve: Ahhh yeah was that when Seth did all the promo stuff for Cable tv?

Clare: Yeah, the Robot Chicken crew did it, we were all down there promoting the show I guess.

Steve: Yeah they’ve been flooding the channels with promo material from them.

Clare: Yeah, the ones with them dressed as chewie and Darth Vader, getting into the car and everything, stuff like that… those are the ones!

Steve: I had no idea honestly you’re Seth Green’s fiancée, only found it out when I saw it on imdb. But, don’t worry I won’t turn it into a Seth Green interview by way of Clare Grant.

Clare: *laughs* Awesome.

Steve: What we ARE talking about though, is the Graves, it’s part of the 8 Films to Die for festival… now the Festival in the last few years has become very renowned. Movies such as ‘Frontiers’ and ‘The Deaths of Ian Stone’ have been discovered there and developed quite large cult followings. Directors such as Adam Green, who made movies such as Hatchet, they debut trailers for their movies such as ‘Frozen’ there now too.

Clare: I… I’m going to be a bridesmaid at Adam Green’s wedding!

Steve: Wow!

Clare: I will be in June!

Steve: I got to speak to Adam around two years ago, he was a fantastic guy to speak to.

Clare: Oh yeah he’s the best. I love Adam!

Steve: Oh and Hatchet was a fantastic movie I thought! What I was going to ask, did you actually get to attend the festival itself?

Clare: I…. well… I saw MY movie! I saw my movie that week. I didn’t get to catch any other movies though.

Steve: How was it even just attending your one?

Clare: Oh it was so much fun! I love the horror genre in general, I’m a fan of horror movies in general. Upon moving to LA I befriended all the people who make the horror movies, theyre in a such a tight knit circle and I love those people so much, and I love the fans cause they love the movies so much and they’re in it for the same reason, and if you go to these movies you’re just surrounded by a bunch of people who are in it for the same reason you are!

Steve: It blew me away, the tight knit circles they (the actors and directors) all run in!

Clare: Oh yeah it’s all so small!

Steve: Now, in The Graves you have Tony Todd and Bill Mosely, two major names in the horror industry… what was it like working with those guys???

Clare: Yeah, I was excited to work with them!

Steve: I mean when I was growing up, basically, my mates and I thought of them as icons, we’d watch Chainsaw 2, Candyman, movies like that, did you get into those movies yourself?

Clare: When I was a kid… lets see, I saw Freddy once? That just scared the shit out of me. That kinda put me on hold for horror movies until I got into highschool. I saw Amityville when I was a kid, but, I saw Candyman too! I carried that with me my entire life and was thrilled when I first got to work with Tony Todd (On Masters of Horror). As I got older and became a fan of the genre, I fell in love with the work of Bill Mosely and loved working with him as well!

Steve: How was it shooting The Graves?

Clare: Making The Graves? In terms of the conditions, it was pretty rough, we were in the middle of the desert, some days we’d run out of water, we were in the middle of a real abandoned mining town! It had its own challenges just from being a real dilapidated mining town. All the buildings were falling apart, it was 130 degrees outside, the next it’d be like 40 degrees and hailing… but we had to keep going, because we had such a short shooting schedule, we knocked it out as best we could!

Steve: So you didn’t have to create any sets, they were already there?

Clare: We didn’t have to create a single set, they were already all there! Every single one!

Thanks to Clare for speaking to us about The Graves, we’ll be following up our coverage of this with an interview with the director of the Graves, also the creator of the most awesome comic Lady Death and also Evil Ernie… Brian Pulido, tomorrow!

Your interviewer from Down under, I’ve never ‘thrown a shrimp on a barbie’ or ‘tied a kangaroo down sport’ much to my countrymen’s disappointment. I’ve developed a love for cinema over the years that’s only matched by my love for talking to people. I’m raising my ten year old son myself while studying my Bachelor of Education to teach Math and English in high school. I was once told I could never do interviews, that it was too ‘select’ and that ‘you have to know people’… one Skype and IMDB pro account later here I am.

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