This has been a long time coming. I would like to think Matt Garretson for helping another one of my wacky ideas become a reality. At one point, I was considering printing this thing out on cheap paper and sending it out the mailing list as a gag. Now, it’s Winter Family Festival timed coverage for the masses.
This year’s Guide resembles the Arrow/Scholastic Christmas time Book Order forms of old. While the Zeitgeist seems hell-bent on bringing these memories back this month, I started developing this idea back in September. So, everyone else can suck it with their Gift Guide come lately material.
If you’re curious about a featured product, an appropriate on-site review link has included where applicable. We are also including links to site partners, friendly small businesses and the other great folk that help keep AndersonVision going throughout the year. It takes a village to bring you coverage of deep-cut horror, sex jokes and what we consider to be witty banter.
At the end of this hectic year, if that means you click on a link to buy something…it would mean a lot. Especially since we have expensive long-term plans for the site’s future.
If you think anything is missing from here, I will always do my last minute follow-up in December.
[…] Troy’s Plugs:AndersonVision – Holiday gift guide […]