“They Call Me Jeeg” is a modern Italian superhero movie. He’s a low level mafia underling that falls into some toxic chemicals in the Tiber River. From there, he is granted super strength and almost immediately returns to crime. What follows is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl and a smidge of sexual violence. Of course, Super Mafioso lands himself a girlfriend. Why not? This entire affair plays out like a teenage study hall pipe dream.
But, what makes this crazier is the two leads won the Italian equivalent Oscars for Best Actor and Actress. Don’t worry, as there is a villain too! He’s a mafia kingpin prone to fits of Karaoke and acts like a low rent Joker. So, those two eventually find and smack each other around. If you had kids watching it, they’ve checked out here. Nothing is that odd, but it also lacks a shred of memorability. Check it out of curiosity, but you’re not missing out on anything major.
- Not Rated
- 1 hr and 58 mins
- Uncork’d Entertainment