Set to captivate viewers with its gripping narrative, “The Notorious Finster” is launching on-demand starting May 28th. Directed by the dynamic duo Cooper and Robert Henderson, this thriller dives deep into the chilling realms of crime and its unforeseen consequences.
The film follows the story of a journalist, known for her articles on a serial killer named Finster, who seeks a quieter life away from the chaos of the city. However, she soon discovers that violence knows no zip code, and her past writings drag her back into a world she tried to leave behind.
“The Notorious Finister” features a talented cast including Amanda Evans, Britton Webb, Brian Anthony Wilson, and Lindsay Corriveau, each bringing their characters to life with compelling performances that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Written by Robert Henderson, the movie promises to be a thrilling exploration of how our past actions and choices can follow us, no matter how far we go to escape them. This film is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers and those intrigued by the complexities of crime and justice.