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The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) [Blu-ray review]

“The Vertical Ray of the Sun,” directed by Tran Anh Hung and released in 2000, is a Vietnamese drama that explores the intricate lives of three sisters living in Hanoi. Known for its lush cinematography and poetic storytelling, the film captures the essence of family dynamics and the passage of time. The film stars Tran Nu Yen-Khe, Le Khanh, and Le Van Loc, among others.

The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) [Blu-ray review] 1

Behold The Vertical Ray of the Sun!

Tran Anh Hung, acclaimed for his earlier works “The Scent of Green Papaya” and “Cyclo,” directed and wrote “The Vertical Ray of the Sun.” The film was produced by Christophe Rossignon and features cinematography by Mark Lee Ping Bin, known for his work on “In the Mood for Love.” The production took place in Hanoi, utilizing natural lighting and authentic locations to create a visually stunning portrayal of Vietnamese life. The film’s score, composed by Ton That Tiet, adds to its lyrical and contemplative atmosphere.

What is it about?

The plot revolves around three sisters: Lien (Tran Nu Yen-Khe), Suong (Nguyen Nhu Quynh), and Khanh (Le Khanh), as they navigate their personal lives and relationships over the course of one summer. Each sister faces her own challenges and secrets, from infidelity to unexpected pregnancies. The film intricately weaves their stories together, creating a tapestry of familial love, loyalty, and the complexities of human emotions.

Look at this cast!

Tran Nu Yen-Khe, as Lien, delivers a captivating performance, embodying the youthful innocence and curiosity of her character. Le Khanh and Nguyen Nhu Quynh also provide strong performances, portraying the nuanced emotional landscapes of their characters with grace and depth. The chemistry among the sisters feels authentic and contributes significantly to the film’s emotional impact.

Mark Lee Ping Bin is a talented cinematographer

Mark Lee Ping Bin’s cinematography is one of the film’s most celebrated aspects, capturing the beauty of Hanoi with a painterly eye. The use of natural light and long, contemplative shots enhances the film’s serene and introspective mood. The visual style reflects the tranquility of daily life while also highlighting the underlying tensions and emotions of the characters.

What we loved in The Vertical Ray of the Sun

Key scenes include the family gatherings, which serve as the emotional anchor of the film, revealing the deep bonds and unspoken tensions between the sisters. Another significant scene is Lien’s dream sequence, which blurs the line between reality and imagination, reflecting her inner turmoil and desires. The film’s ending, which brings a sense of closure and continuity, is also noteworthy for its poignant and reflective tone.

The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) [Blu-ray review] 3

Double Feature Plans and Similar Movies

“The Vertical Ray of the Sun” can be compared to other family dramas that explore the intricacies of relationships, such as “The Joy Luck Club” and “Yi Yi.” Like these films, “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” delves into the emotional depths of its characters, using a slow-paced, contemplative narrative to reveal their inner lives. The film’s visual style and use of natural settings also draw comparisons to Wong Kar-Wai’s “In the Mood for Love.”

For a thematic double feature, pair “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” with “The Scent of Green Papaya,” another film by Tran Anh Hung that explores Vietnamese culture and family dynamics. Another excellent companion film is “In the Mood for Love,” which shares a similar aesthetic and thematic focus on relationships and emotional complexity.

Reader Questions

Q: Is “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” based on a true story? A: No, “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” is a fictional narrative written by Tran Anh Hung.

Q: Where was “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” filmed? A: The film was shot in various locations in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Q: Is “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” suitable for children? A: The film contains mature themes and is best suited for older viewers who can appreciate its subtle storytelling and emotional depth.

Q: Who directed “The Vertical Ray of the Sun”? A: Tran Anh Hung directed the film.

Q: What is the runtime of “The Vertical Ray of the Sun”? A: The film has a runtime of approximately 112 minutes.

Q: Are there any notable cameos in “The Vertical Ray of the Sun”? A: The film features a notable cast of Vietnamese actors, but does not include cameos in the traditional sense.

The Vertical Ray of the Sun finally gets a proper Blu-ray

In 2024, “The Vertical Ray of the Sun” received its debut Blu-ray release, offering fans an enhanced viewing experience with high-definition visuals and remastered audio. The Blu-ray edition features a pristine transfer of the film, preserving the lush cinematography and intricate details that make it a visual masterpiece.

The Blu-ray release includes no special features. Still, the Blu-ray release is a must-have for fans of Vietnamese cinema and contemplative dramas.

You can buy The Vertical Ray of the Sun Blu-ray at MovieZyng!

Our Summary

The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) [Blu-ray review]


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Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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