Kinky Boots Blu-ray

Kinky Boots wonderfully stomps Blu-ray on May 31st

Kinky Boots is the latest title from the Golden Age of Miramax to receive a Blu-ray from Paramount. Just in time for Pride Month, check out the cult classic that spawned the Tony Award winning show!

If you want to check out what Baron Mordo and Uncle Owen Lars was doing before nerd cinema dominated every available screen, then check this one out.

I just dig what this means for more Miramax titles getting released by Paramount. There’s winning all around. For those that have seen the show, how much does it differ from the film?

Kinky Boots hits Blu-ray on May 31st

Kinky Boots wonderfully stomps Blu-ray on May 31st 3


  1. […] with the biggest one-two deep cut genre punch that I’ve ever seen. L.A. AIDS Jabber is getting a Blu-ray release before After Hours. I just want the world to dwell on that for a hot […]

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