Kinda Pregnant, the outrageous new comedy directed by Tyler Spindel, arrives on Netflix on February 5, 2025. Co-written by Julie Paiva and Amy Schumer, with a story by Julie Paiva, this modern twist on love and jealousy follows Lainy (Amy Schumer), who fakes a baby bump—only to discover the man of her dreams in the process.
Jealous of her best friend’s pregnancy, Lainy tries on a phony belly for kicks. But when a chance encounter sets off real sparks with a potential soulmate, she scrambles to keep her secret under wraps. Expect laughs, mishaps, and a fresh perspective on friendship and commitment.
Catch Kinda Pregnant on Netflix starting February 5, 2025 and watch as Lainy’s comedic adventure unfolds.
Whether you’re a fan of uproarious rom-coms or just need a hearty laugh, prepare for a bundle of fun—with or without the baby bump.