Directed by Andrew Hyatt, Sight tells the remarkable true story of Dr. Ming Wang, a gifted Chinese prodigy who escapes the grip of Communist China to become a trailblazing eye surgeon in America. The film follows Dr. Wang as he takes on the challenging task of restoring the sight of an orphan blinded by her stepmother, forcing him to confront the haunting memories of the Cultural Revolution that shaped his youth.
Brought to you by Angel Studios, the same studio behind Sound of Freedom, Sight features a powerful performance by Terry Chen (Almost Famous, Jessica Jones) and Academy Award nominee Greg Kinnear (As Good as It Gets, Little Miss Sunshine).
After its impressive US success, where it grossed over $7 million at the box office, Sight is set to captivate UK audiences when it becomes available for digital download on September 23rd. Don’t miss this inspiring tale of resilience, hope, and the power of vision.