“The Illustrated Man” is a wonderful anthology about a Carny telling tales about his tattoos. It also involves Rod Steiger wanting to murder a witch, but let’s let that go. Several great Bradbury stories get to see filmed adaptations. The best happens to be The Last Night of the World, but I enjoyed this early take on The Veidt. Bradbury stories like this live for the twists, but they’re handled with a classic restraint that modern films are missing.
As great as the Jerry Goldsmith score plays, as amazing as Rod Steiger is the lead….the film feels very listless. I could’ve almost seen this serving as the TV pilot for an ongoing series of Bradbury adaptations. For a film that I haven’t seen in years, I expected this movie to age slightly better. Unfortunately, the Bradbury adaptations remain a mixed bag. The worst case that happens is you get a film that feels too devoted to the text and the best case is that it feels like a wonderful dream that has nothing to do with the original story. Roll the dice with the Illustrated Man.
- Featurette
- Trailer
- 2.35:1 1080p transfer
- DTS-HD 2.0 MONO,2013:740854949455589_liked_by_1591765757533029
Timothy Carr