how did we get here sterling bartlett cover ftk comics

How Did We Get Here? / Brainfazer (2021)[FTK Comics Review]

How Did We Get Here? is probably my most favorite thing I’ve read in 2021. But, why did an indie comic from Sterling Bartlett tickle my brain? Well, because it brought together two worlds I love. Informational comics tied with realistic looks at the world’s problems. Whether it’s taking a dump on nostalgia or highlighting the futility of recycling, there’s something for every pessimistic person out there.

how did we get here interior comic page about recycling

What’s insane about this comic is how it captures the true nature of NFTs when discussing the art world. I’ve discussed this matter with real world people before, but no one really dug into it. Well, outside of data people. By examining the further evolution of the art world into a market investment economy, we see how everything can be ruined by money. Plus, there is that level panel about bootlickers that I wish I had FTK (First to Knock) had sent my way.

Great ideas are a rarity in an age where people don’t really want to share them. I’d recommend checking out Bartlett’s site to see other things than his FTK (First to Knock) work. While I’m not exactly floored by his artistic style, I like what Barlett is driving out in this quick comic read. What form his next work takes is something I don’t know. But, I’m onboard.

how did we get here art piece from comics explains nft as well

Furthermore, I find myself not totally understanding what FTK (First to Knock) Comics is going to be releasing in the future. What they’ve released speaks to deep cut comic fans and arthouse nerds. But, how will that convert in an era defined by superheroes and licensed characters? I would love to see more like How Did We Get Here.

How Did We Get Here? / Brainfazer (2021)[FTK Comics Review] 5

Brainfazer did not impress me as much as How Did We Get Here? But, I showed it to a few more art-inclined friends and they freaked out over it. I asked what I was missing. I’ve been checking out books released by Ed Piskor and other talent, I dig it. But, it’s not something that speaks to my narrative driven brain. So, what am I supposed to do here?

How Did We Get Here? / Brainfazer (2021)[FTK Comics Review] 7

FTK Comics are quite fascinating to me. The two titles were sent to me a few weeks ago and I read them fast, then took time to dwell on them. During the Pandemic, I’ve been finding new ways to approach the comics I consume and things like How Did We Get Here and Brainfazer are making me think harder about stories that comics can tell. I’d recommend a purchase.

How Did We Get Here and Brainfazer are now available from FTK Comics

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