Sunday, February 16, 2025


The AndersonVision 2024 Christmas Gift Guide [Updating Throughout the Holidays]

This Christmas Gift Guide will update throughout the Holidays. Keep coming back to it...

Orphan Black: Echoes (2024) [Jules]

Thrust into the middle of things as we are, your reviewer thinks he ought...

Orphan Black: Echoes (2024) [Pilot]

"Just one, of a few; No family, too: Who am I?" If you know that...

The 2023 AndersonVision Holiday Gift Guide [Final Version]

While we tend to get creative in past years, we're keeping it simple for...

Power Trip [Best of 2022 Podcast Review]

What do you do with the mad that you feel -- or, at the...

Power Trip Season 1 — A Summing-Up

It's a strange feeling to seemingly be the only person talking about something you...

Power Trip Episode 8 “Forgive Me”

"Forgiveness" is a very big word. It implies so much that we either take...

Power Trip Episode 7 “Hate Me”

...each woman and each manCraves what it cannot have,Not universal loveBut to be loved...

Power Trip Episode 6 “Dance with Me”

"Episodes come along that you think have no bearing on the story, then 12...

Power Trip Episode 5 “Don’t Blame Me”

Sometimes, life throws surprising shifts at you after moments when you're at your lowest...

Power Trip Episode 4 “Play with Me”

Even in comedy, Tatiana Maslany has never given less than 110 percent. It's one...

Power Trip Episode 3 “Buy Me A Drink”

Control: It's something you very rarely have when you're disabled. Whether it's control over...

Power Trip Episode 1 “Love Me”/Episode 2 “Listen to Me”

Life with a disability is tough. There is no getting around that. Whether it's...

Power Trip (2022)

The Power Trip podcast has its own hub at AndersonVision.

How Did We Get Here? / Brainfazer (2021)[FTK Comics Review]

How Did We Get Here? is probably my most favorite thing I've read in...

The 2020 AndersonVision Complete Holiday Gift Guide is live!

Each year we try to top the year prior with selections, tidbits and festive...

Elderly Man Angered at Young Man’s Lack of Lobster Fondness: The Lighthouse Review – Best of 2019 #8

The Lighthouse is yet another period film about supernatural terror striking among the mundane....

Welt Lab: A Monthly Hit Of Inspiration, Special Offers

Dolor purus non enim praesent elementum. Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum. Sit amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem frin

Our list of comics that helped us to grow up & be awsm

Dolor purus non enim praesent elementum. Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum. Sit amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem frin

How turned Hot Wheels into sheer genius

Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.

Open-World Star Wars Game May Still Use Uncharted Creator’s Characters

Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.

Arc System Works’ Kill La Kill Game: Story, Gameplay Details Revealed

Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.

Here’s A Surprising And Cool Uncharted Fact You Probably Didn’t Know for Years

Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.

Island 2 is still in deving, Magic confirms

Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.

10 teams we can’t wait to use in Soccer 2019

Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.

Secret Movie Club: L.A.’s Grassroots Screening Hub is No Confidential Affair

Suppose you got your hands on a 35mm print of Raiders of the Lost...

The AndersonVision 2018 Holiday Gift Guide Spectacular

This has been a long time coming. I would like to think Matt Garretson...