Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Gabriel Over The White House (1933) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review]

Gabriel Over The White House is probably the most heavily laden film I’ve seen from the early 30s. Now, I know the arthouse nerds and film historians are going to try to throw other examples at me, but save it. How many Depression era films were released by a major studio and financed by William Randolph Hearst to make a soft pitch for American fascism. Seriously, if you watch Gabriel Over The White House for any reason, it will be to see a Capra style take on what if American just went fascist. History is a funny thing and the cinema can be even funnier.

Gabriel Over The White House (1933) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 9

Why would Warner Archive give Gabriel Over The White House a Blu-ray right now?

President Judd Hammond is out of touch with the American people. When he gets into an accident, he’s visited the angel Gabriel and becomes a changed man. Why? Because mixing religion with politics has never introduced anything awful to anywhere in America. While watching Gabriel Over The White House, it triggered something in my comic book loving brain. It was like watching a film version of those early Captain America comics. Except those early Cap books were propaganda about how to defeat fascism.

So, why did Hearst and MGM get into bed together to make a film about how it would be cool if America had a dictator? If you’re an older viewer seeing Gabriel Over The White House for the first time, it’s going to take a lot to get through some of the ideas being played like a bizarro Capra movie. Then, it will grow on you. The campy charm of a film like this 90 years later. Not the fascism. At least, I hope not.

Gabriel Over The White House (1933) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 11

Walter Huston was a helluva an actor and a weird Lincoln

As someone who watches more film prior to 1990 than the average Internet user, I’ll pick a weird bug-a-boo to get hung up on and it screws with my ability to watch a movie. Throughout Gabriel Over The White House, all I could think about was how close this release was to Huston’s turn as Abraham Lincoln. I think the Kino Blu-ray of that movie is still available, so I recommend seeing how some actors just can’t perform under makeup. He was kinda the anti Lon Chaney.

Walter Huston’s portrayal of Judson Hammond stands among his most intriguing roles. Initially embodying the breezy cynicism of a bored politician, Huston shifts to a somber, fervent leader after the accident. Scenes of him delivering impassioned speeches from the White House podium while bathed in dramatic lighting evoke the sense of a man possessed—by higher power or by megalomania, it’s up to the viewer to decide. The transformation is chilling in how plausible Huston makes it. You see flickers of moral gravitas that suggest he genuinely believes he’s saving America.

Gabriel Over The White House (1933) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 13

It’s the government we deserve

From the start, Gabriel Over the White House elicited debate over whether it endorses an American brand of fascism or if it’s meant as a satirical warning. Some interpret it as a cautionary tale illustrating how easily democracy can slip into dictatorship when citizens are desperate for solutions. Others argue that the film wholeheartedly embraces Hammond’s extreme methods, presenting him as a “divinely ordained strongman.” Part of the film’s lasting power lies in that ambiguity: it’s not neat propaganda but a swirl of contradictory impulses—progressive in championing moral order, regressive in championing authoritarian means.

Gabriel Over The White House (1933) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 15

You’ll believe in Angels, but only if it’s politically convenient

One of the film’s most mesmerizing set pieces is the depiction of the Archangel Gabriel. Explosions of heavenly light, swirling silhouettes, intangible illusions: all realized with 1933 special effects that still impress with their imaginative flair. Mann’s camera lingers on Huston’s rapt expression, and for a moment, the film crosses from political drama into near-biblical fantasy. The disquieting result suggests that if there is a spiritual force behind Hammond’s radicalism, it’s a far cry from typical Hollywood’s comforting depiction of angels.

The sheer history in this movie

From the start, Gabriel Over The White House elicited debate over whether it endorses an American brand of fascism or if it’s meant as a satirical warning. Some interpret it as a cautionary tale illustrating how easily democracy can slip into dictatorship when citizens are desperate for solutions. Others argue that the film wholeheartedly embraces Hammond’s extreme methods, presenting him as a “divinely ordained strongman.” Part of the film’s lasting power lies in that ambiguity: it’s not neat propaganda but a swirl of contradictory impulses—progressive in championing moral order, regressive in championing authoritarian means.

William Randolph Hearst’s involvement complicates matters. Known for arch-conservative stances, Hearst might have viewed the film as a scathing condemnation of FDR’s New Deal ambitions, or conversely as a “rally behind a strong leader” scenario. Historians note the film can be read as pro–New Deal or anti–New Deal, depending on which scenes you emphasize. That malleability exemplifies how Gabriel Over The White House can be shaped by the viewer’s vantage point—maybe it’s a horrifying portrayal of dictatorship, or maybe it’s a “desperate times call for desperate measures” parable.

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What does Gabriel Over The White House look like on Warner Archive Blu-ray?

Warner Archive has brought one bizarre film with Gabriel Over The White House to Blu-ray? The A/V Quality is impeccable as well as the special features.

Given the film’s age and relative obscurity, it’s remarkable how Warner Archive has resurrected Gabriel Over the White House in 1080p HD. Sourced from original nitrate camera negatives, the new transfer reveals crisp details and stable contrast. The White House’s opulent interiors gleam under bright lighting, while the film’s expressionistic shadows remain inky and atmospheric, free of the swirl of grain or flicker that might plague older prints. Indeed, the black-and-white photography channels a sense of moody grandeur reminiscent of early talkies with big ambitions.

Audio is likewise cleaned up. The disc’s 2.0 mono track ensures Huston’s oratory and the ominous orchestral undertones by William Axt come through with minimal hiss or distortion. Scenes featuring cheering crowds or big dramatic flourishes hold surprising depth for a 1933 mix. Dialogue clarity is excellent, so we can fully appreciate the script’s combination of pious rhetoric and cynical wisecracks.

The special features range from classic cartoons MGM released in 1933 and not a ton more. The film is nearly 92 years old. The best we could have hoped for is a scholarly commentary. Hell, a movie like this deserves a full book.

Gabriel Over The White House is now available on Warner Archive Blu-ray from MovieZyng

Gabriel Over The White House (1933) [Warner Archive Blu-ray review] 19
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Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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