Get ready for a riotous blend of horror and humor with “Destroy All Neighbors,” starring Jonah Ray Rodrigues of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” and Alex Winter from the “Bill & Ted” franchise. Directed by Josh Forbes, with a story by Charles Pieper and Mike Benner and screenplay by Charles Pieper and Jared Logan, this twisted splatter-comedy is set to stream on Shudder starting January 12th.
The film follows William Brown (Jonah Ray Rodrigues), a neurotic, self-absorbed musician obsessively working on his prog-rock magnum opus. His creative process hits a wall, thanks to his loud and unsettling neighbor, Vlad (Alex Winter). In a fateful confrontation to demand silence, William accidentally decapitates Vlad, catapulting himself into an absurdly gruesome scenario.
What starts as an attempt to cover up a single accident spirals out of control, with William’s reign of terror inadvertently creating a pile-up of victims. These victims soon turn into undead beings, adding to the chaotic hilarity and horror, and further complicating William’s quest for musical perfection.
“Destroy All Neighbors” promises a delirious journey of self-discovery, replete with goopy practical FX, a recognizable ensemble cast, and an unapologetic amount of blood. It’s a film that not only delivers laughs and thrills but also pays homage to the splatter-comedy genre with its over-the-top gore and dark humor.
Fans of horror-comedies and splatter films won’t want to miss this outrageously entertaining movie.