This award-winning film, narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, examines a little known aspect of American history, when newly freed slaves throughout the South formed benevolent societies to respond to abject hunger, illness and the fear of a pauper’s grave. The Fair Hope Benevolent Society in Uniontown, Alabama, provides an unprecedented look at the complex and morally ambiguous juxtaposition of the Society with the worldly pleasures of what has become known as the annual Foot Wash celebration.
“The Contradictions of Fair Hope” is a complicated documentary about the rise of religion among former American slave populations. The benevolent societies are something to behold, even for outsiders. I had seen a few when I was younger, but I never had any context for them outside of being a black church thing. But, it’s about more than that and the documentary illustrates it well. Balancing charity with the good will effort to create a bold new society is refreshing. However, I feel the short runtime curtails any sort of serious discussion of the matter.
The DVD comes with featurette material as the special features. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track doesn’t get much back channel action. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.
RELEASE DATE: 1/14/2014