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Restored to their Original Japanese Cuts!

The last 4 films of Daiei Studios monster series Gamera are unleashed and available on Blu-ray for the first time! Your favorite giant turtle returns to Earth leaving no fire-spitting scene behind. Beautifully captured to their lavish original cuts, viewers can experience four-times the thrills of this legend sci-fi classic like they have never seen before!

Presented in Japanese with English subtitles!

Gamera vs. Guiron (1969)

Gamera, the giant flying turtle, spins into action when two young boys board a spaceship and are hijacked to a strange planet on the other side of the sun. While the boys evade the clutches of two brain-hungry alien beauties, Gamera must deal with a knife-nosed monster named Guiron.
Gamera vs. Jiger (1970)

The fire-breathing action continues as Gamera battles one of his greatest foes, Jiger, a horned monster reminiscent of the Triceratops. Drawn to the World Expo in Osaka by an ancient statue, the evil reptile injects Gamera with its parasitic offspring to eliminate the super turtle.
Gamera vs. Zigra (1971)

The shark-like alien Zigra attacks Earth to enslave the human race as food. Aided by spacewoman X-1, Zigra s wicked plan goes swimmingly until the invaders are challenged by Gamera and confounded by two troublemaking kids.

Gamera: Super Monster (1980)

The final entry of the Showa Gamera series plays as a highlight reel reviving all of the previous evil monsters. When the alien Zanon tries to conquer Earth with an army of monsters, three superwomen enlist the help of Gamera to foil the invader’s plans.



“Gamera” arrived in Godzilla’s wake. Gamera tried to make more of a bridge to the West, as it wanted to set up a Cold War threat. Naturally, this spawns Gamera and the two sides go to War with the creature. The plot doesn’t change much for the first four movies. Well, sidekick and enemy Kaiju show up to start trouble. But, that’s typical for the subgenre.

The end of the Showa era had a big impact on Kaiju. Basically, it was when Classic Kaiju ended and we entered into a weird spot of Monster Movie history. American audiences started laughing at the Eastern classics and Eastern studios never really cared to up the budget. The shift from scope to flat only made the creatures seem less majestic. While you don’t get the weird interlace lines as you did on the first volume, the age of the films start to become more apparent on this release.

The Blu-Ray comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong. The 1080p transfer is far more impressive than anything I’ve seen for the Gamera flicks. That being said, the Japanese 2.0 track is pretty lossy. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to Kaiju fans.







The first 4 films of Daiei Studios monster series Gamera are unleashed and available on Blu-ray for the first time! Your favorite giant turtle returns to Earth leaving no fire-spitting scene behind. Beautifully captured to their lavish original cuts, viewers can experience four-times the thrills of this legend sci-fi classic like they have never seen before!

Presented in Japanese with English subtitles!

Gamera: The Giant Monster (1965)

The first entry of this Sci-Fi epic takes place midst the peak of the Cold War, as conflict between the East and West transforms into a nuclear disaster! This atomic explosion releases more than massive radiation, it awakens an ancient and long-forgotten legend of Gamera!

Gamera vs. Barugon (1966)

Once the fear of Tokyo, Gamera returns to Earth to save it from the malevolent monster Barugon who is able to freeze anything its path. This unholy battle between fire and ice challenges the survival of mankind while bringing them an incredible slam-bang, knock-down monster slug-fest!

Gamera vs. Gyaos (1967)

The third entry of this classic monster series continues when a volcanic eruption awakens Gyaos, a gigantic vampire-like bat who has a ravenous hunger for blood. Gyaos is Gamera s most popular foe, returning in four more films (not counting the stock footage in SUPER MONSTER). Can the fire-spitting terrapin Garmera defeat this nocturnal beast?

Gamera vs. Viras (1968)

The reign of terror continues when aliens take two boy scouts hostage to blackmail Gamera into aiding their invasion of Earth. When that plan fails the giant alien leader Viras battles the flying turtle in a duel to the death.


“Gamera” arrived in Godzilla’s wake. Gamera tried to make more of a bridge to the West, as it wanted to set up a Cold War threat. Naturally, this spawns Gamera and the two sides go to War with the creature. The plot doesn’t change much for the first four movies. Well, sidekick and enemy Kaiju show up to start trouble. But, that’s typical for the subgenre.

I absolutely love it when a big monster movie hits theaters. That means other studios start to remember the monster movies they own and I want on HD. The Kaiju can’t get any respect in America, especially when seen against the upcoming onslaught of Godzilla. Just look at “Pacific Rim” and the scum that didn’t get out there to support it. Don’t worry, people. There’s a second volume of Gamera where I’ll discuss this more.

The Blu-Ray comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong. The 1080p transfer is far more impressive than anything I’ve seen for the Gamera flicks. That being said, the Japanese 2.0 track is pretty lossy. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to Kaiju fans.






A drama series set at an American base during the Vietnam War. Rather than focusing on the battle scenes that made up most other portrayals of the war, this show looked at the everyday lives of the people sent to serve their country. The doctors, nurses, soldiers and even USO entertainers stationed at the base must try to come to terms with the horrors and stresses of the war around them. Not all of them succeed.


“China Beach” is a strong show, but still carries a hint of being slightly dated. Dana Delaney head-lined a strong cast that spent its four year run developing characters rather than fostering political statements about the Vietnam War. Ricki Lake shows up this year as part of her transition into a serious actress. Four years later, she’d be a talk show host. Two years later, she’d be in “Mrs. Winterbourne”. It’s nice to see talented actresses before it all went downhill. Speaking of downhill, let’s gloss over the flashback episode. If there’s one thing you don’t do with Vietnam Vets, it’s give them a reason to flashback.

The show’s third season starts with McMurphy getting captured by the VietCong and everything fails to live up to it. Sure, I prefer the final season, but I felt like we needed a better transition to that point in time rather than the rush job we got here. I don’t get why Season 2 was so willing to go into the future and examine serious issues, then this season dials it back. John Wells was still involved with the show. Did he lose control or something? If I ever get the chance to interview him, I’ll ask.

The DVD comes with interviews, deleted scene, gag reel and commentaries. The A/V Quality is strong enough for a show shot in the 1980s. However, the fact that it shot on film rather than video helps the transfer to stand out. Plus, the Dolby Surround track helps to remind you that it’s still a wartime show. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.

RELEASE DATE: 05/06/14





Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle examines the life and mysterious death of pioneering journalist Ruben Salazar. At the heart of the story is Salazar’s transformation from a mainstream, middle-of-the-road reporter to a supporter and primary chronicler of the radical Chicano movement of the late 1960s. Killed under mysterious circumstances by a law enforcement officer in 1970, Salazar became an instant martyr to the Latino community which had often criticized his reporting during his lifetime. Adding to the Salazar mystique is that the details of how he was killed have been obscured in the ensuing four decades since his death.

Featuring material from recently released files obtained by the filmmaker, Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle removes Salazar from the glare of myth and martyrdom and offers a clear-eyed look at the man.


“Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle” is a rather strong documentary about the troubles faced by international journalists. Especially, when those troubles strike close to home. Salazar was a Mexican born journalist who had made significant strides in providing a voice for Latinos in Los Angeles and other Latino rich areas during the 1960s. Accused of frequently of being a mouthpiece for the radical Chicanos, Salazar made allies with fringe journalists such as Hunter S. Thompson. Unfortunately, this meant nothing when the man was killed by an LAPD officer’s neglect.

Too many times, Western audiences look over the troubles faced by press in international hotspots. They become so accustomed to this cliche take on a pampered journalist jotting off to tropical and haute couture locales, that they forget that journalists are targeted everywhere including the US. Salazar died from being struck in the head by a tear gas canister that was fired into an enclosed area by a cop with a grudge. While Salazar has become a hero in the local area following his death, the means of his death have only been scrutinized in the last few years. Prepare to watch and be disgusted at how justice fails the press.

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong. The transfer is clean, but the Dolby track doesn’t get a ton of back channel support. Ultimately, it’s a pretty standard PBS documentary sent to DVD. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.






Thanks to social media, today’s teens are able to directly interact with their culture – artists, celebrities, movies, brands, and even one another – in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers still hold the upper hand? In Generation Like, author and FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff (The Merchants of Cool, The Persuaders) explores how the perennial teen quest for identity and connection has migrated to social media – and exposes the game of cat-and-mouse that corporations are playing with these young consumers. Do kids think they’re being used? Do they care? Or does the perceived chance to be the next big star make it all worth it? The film is a powerful examination of the evolving and complicated relationship between teens and the companies that are increasingly working to target them.


“Generation Like” is a look at how those darn kids are becoming disconnected on the Facebooks and the Twitters. Kids aren’t empowered and only a handful become so stupid that they actually believe it. If anything, we’re entering an age that’s a tech saavy version of the Groundlings back in Elizabethan England. We’re closer to the performers than ever before and we can keep screaming at them until we can speak. Well, figuratively. Twitter and Facebook don’t have scream at Facebook options. If they did, the AV crew would pick someone deserving of their scorn. It would be a coin flip between Arn Anderson and Harry Hamlin. You know what you did, Hamlin.

Marketing and authenticity can’t really co-exist, but I don’t think that kids care anymore. Hell, did they ever really care? Generations pass and people always pick sides and form communities around those interests. What’s different when you compare Beatles vs. Stones or Team Edward vs. Team Jacob? Kids confuse interest in pop culture with things that matter. I’ve been on the other side of the equation and I’ve taken advantage of the marketing opportunities tied to these interests. So, suck it up. I’d love to see more documentaries tackle this kind of subject matter.

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty strong. The transfer is clean, but the Dolby track doesn’t get a ton of back channel support. Ultimately, it’s a pretty standard PBS documentary sent to DVD. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.






“MONEY IS POWER This adaptation of Arthur Hailey’s bestselling book is a tale of power and greed in the banking business. Two ambitious vice presidents become rivals when an imminent board room vacancy arises. The Moneychangers won an Emmy Award nomination as Outstanding Series as well as an Emmy for Christopher Plummer in his role as one of the protagonists. Other nominations went to Susan Flannery (as Kirk Douglas’ lawyer girlfriend), to Joseph Biroc for his cinematography, and to Phill Norman for his graphics and opening titles. The Moneychangers is the story of how absolute power corrupts absolutely. ”


“The Moneychangers” was a big mini-series back in 1976. It was from the guy that created Hotel and Airport, which means it’s about the third most melodramatic thing created in the last 50 years. Basically, two upper management types decide to have a business fight while their boss dies. It’s boardroom politics back when that kind of stuff didn’t destroy lives and send the country barreling to 2nd World status. Is there really a 2nd World? Oh well, we’re going to find out in the next 30-40 years. Please, let it take that long.

Kirk Douglas and Christopher Plummer try too hard here and it makes them look good. However, everyone else looks like chumps trying to keep up with the big dogs. The fact that Susan Flannery was able to squeeze some recognition out of this is on par with Pia Zadora winning a Golden Globe. It was bullshit three decades ago and now no one really cares. The only thing that this movie is missing would be George Kennedy yelling about how only he can bring things under control. I miss you, Hocken. You were my boy, dawg!

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is pretty sharp. The Dolby 2.0 track creates a lively soundstage. That being said, that transfer is impeccable for a mini-series that time seemingly forgot. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase.

RELEASE DATE: 05/20/2014