Toy Story 4 blu ray

Toy Story 4: Children of Plastic Men [Blu-ray Review]

Toy Story 4 was unnecessary. But, so was Friday the 13th Part V and we all know that I enjoyed Tommy Jarvis: Disturbed Teenager.

While watching the film again with my child, I wondered if I would get any sort of stirring from observing another generation watch the movie series that my teenage self was too cool for until Toy Story 2. The answer is sentimental tripe belongs at another site. Not here.

What this film presents is Pixar’s first real attempt to extend the life of a series. Up, Coco and even The Good Dinosaur are finite. Hell, the Incredibles tried to pick up where they left off and the result was a remarkable step down from the prior affair. But, Toy Story had a perfect conclusion. Now, they want to pick up with a new kid?

Toy Story 4 blu ray

Forget that for a moment, as the Toys move beyond the new kid just as fast as Andy ditched them for college. The constant character shifts and tone changes are indicative of a gaggle of writers each taking a crack at the script. The end result is a lot of cool ideas, but little real follow-through. Still, you gotta dig that Chris Stapleton song.

The Blu-ray comes with the following as special features. For those that still care about A/V Quality. It’s pitch perfect 1080p treatment that makes me wonder what the 4K looks like in comparison. The DTS-HD 7.1 HD-MA will have you screaming alongside Forky. It’s cute to see a small child say they’re trash along their cartoon heroes.

Toy Story 4 special features

  • ‘Toy Stories – The Toy Story 4 cast and crew share their love of toys!
  • Woody & Buzz – Take a look at the relationship between these two legendary characters.
  • Bo Rebooted – Discover how Team Bo reimagined all aspects of Bo Peep’s identity to arrive at the fully realized character seen in the film.
  • Toy Box – Enjoy a collection of mini-docs on the film’s memorable new characters, featuring the voice actors, director Josh Cooley and Pixar artists talking about the many elements that make these characters fun and lovable
  • Let’s Ride With Ally Maki – Ally Maki, voice of Giggle McDimples, learns all about Pixar’s dialogue recording process from director Josh Cooley and his team.
  • Deleted Scenes introduced by director Josh Cooley including:
    • Scamming Playtime
    • Bo Knows Hippos
    • Desperate Toys
    • Knock-Offs
    • Recruit Duke
    • She’s The One
  • Audio Commentary, Trailers and more!

Toy Story 4 is in stores now!


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