The Malevolence Trilogy [Blu-ray review] 3

The Malevolence Trilogy [Blu-ray review]

Malevolence kicked off a trilogy that I didn’t know existed until last year. Shot over two years and released in the mid 00s by Anchor Bay, it seems like this film and later series would’ve caught my attention. Anchor Bay love was a big part of what got AndersonVision off and running back in the early days. But, you can’t cover everything.

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Still, as I progressed from origin film about a serial killer in training to the prequel and later sequel…something became apparent. By the time I saw Bereavement, I was hooked. I dig it when horror films look back for their sequels instead of going forward. If you’re going to make a series, then let me know more about this world. Especially after getting the in media res action of the first film. I want to understand Martin Bristol and what makes his world so terrifying.

By the third film dubbed “Killer”, I wasn’t sure where the Malevolence Trilogy would take me next. Unfortunately, this is where the Malevolence trilogy lost me. So much of it felt like a rush to wrap things up and make sense of Bristol’s crimes. It was nice seeing Adrienne Barbeau show up. Other than that, I felt like we needed something a little more brutal to end these films.

The Blu-ray comes with the following special features.

  • Director’s Cuts with additional footage
  • Commentary
  • Trailer
  • Stills Gallery
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Featurettes
  • more!

Malevolence is now available!

Malevolence 11

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