“Super Skyscrapers” is a lengthy collection of some of the greatest architectural marvels known to man. Over four hours, we go over what is needed to construct a skyscraper and how it impacts a city’s landscape. Other legal and environmental issues are pondered, but it’s mainly lip service. You could almost make another series dedicated to the fears and demands on creating a landmark that is safe from terrorism. Hell, if it’s not terrorism, then it’s an urban board trying to tear the damn thing down two or three decades later. Whatever happened to living history?
PBS puts together interesting collections like this all the time, but I’m left wondering if there is a method to their madness. Maybe, I’m looking too deep for answers or something. The unprecedented access to the construction process is the selling point, but who cares about that other than the Ted Mosbys of the world? I can argue about living history until the cows come home, but why is that compelling? Well, it provides a sense of identity that one can take local or national pride in observing. Everything that is constructed in your hometown says something about you and how you related to your microcosm.
The Blu-Ray comes with no special features. The Dolby 2.0 audio track is supportive enough. The same can be said for the 1080p transfer. However, it’s not something that’s going to blow you out the back of your home theater. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.
RELEASE DATE: 04/29/2014