“Spaced Invaders” is a fun family film from 1990 that exists just to fill a niche. A group of Martians land on Earth while a small town plays “War of the Worlds” during Halloween. Now, the Martians have to team up with some kids to beat some bad guys. What is so memorable about the film is the bizarre Martian design. It’s a practical setup, but the lips never seem to move in sync with the rest of the Martian appliance.
Future Jurassic Park visitor Ariana Richards makes her debut in this film. She’s serviceable in the sense that this would’ve been a Thora Birch role if the film arrived 2 years later. The A/V Quality is an improvement over the old first generation DVD. The 1080p transfer and lossy Dolby 2.0 track are supportive. The Blu-Ray comes with no special features.
Release Date: 9/15/15