“Sisters” was meant to be the thinking person’s soap opera. Then, it quickly started involving drunk old people, literal shotgun weddings and sex to spare. I have never seen a show so at odds with itself, but you rarely get a chance to notice it until you look at the big picture. Why? Well, even though Season 1 is only 7 episode and Season 2 makes up the remainder…the show moves at glacial speed. How NBC let a show that moves this slow onto the schedule is beyond me.

Sela Ward and Swoosie Kurtz steal most of the focus on the show. But, Patricia Kalember shows that she learned a thing or two during her time on “Thirtysomething”. The show doesn’t kick into gear until Season 2 and the first strong debut of Ashley Judd. Judd steals focus from an already unbalanced show. Crafting an ensemble is hard when you want to break past norms. But, the show was pretty ingenious back in 1991/1992. Sadly, it didn’t last.

The DVD comes with no special features. But, the A/V Quality is better than I remember. If you look at the awful clip I posted above, that’s how I remember seeing this show. If you’re a fan, it’s worth a purchase.

Release Date: 9/15/15

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