The buzzy prehistoric survival thriller formerly known as The Origin has been retitled Out of Darkness ahead of its theatrical release in February 2024. Distributed by Bleecker Street, the acclaimed film premiered at Fantastic Fest and other major festivals last year.
Out of Darkness is set 45,000 years ago and follows a group struggling to find shelter. As relationships fracture, they realize they are not alone in the harsh environment. Shot on location in the Scottish Highlands, the film authentically transports viewers to the stone age.
Directed by Andrew Cumming and written by Ruth Greenberg, Out of Darkness drew praise for its immersive world-building. The festival hit also earned British Independent Film Award nominations, including a breakthrough win for star Safia Oakley-Green.
After generating buzz on the festival circuit, Out of Darkness arrives in US theaters starting February 9, 2024 via Bleecker Street.
Critics have lauded the film’s bold artistic choices and cautionary themes. Oakley-Green leads the cast alongside Chuku Modu, Kit Young, and Iola Evans.
Don’t miss this thrilling trip back in time when Out of Darkness brings its chilling survival story to cinemas next February. With its tense atmosphere and committed performances, the prehistoric thriller aims to leave audiences on the edge of their seats.