When his former secretary (Barbara Hale) is accused of a murder, Perry Mason (Raymond Burr) gives up a judgeship to defend her.


“Perry Mason Movie Collection” returns with the first two television movies marking the return of Perry Mason to Television. Forced retreads of popular 60s shows was all the rage in the 1980s. However, something seemed off with this iteration. William Katt is all over this iteration of the Perry Mason films. That being said, the second film has Tom Bosley. So, there’s that. Really, these are forgettable TV movies based on plots that weren’t passable for the show in its major era. Now, it’s all about old man getting used to the new fangled times and ways.

Raymond Burr is a solid lead and he knows the character. That being said, it is very hard to give a damn about the same thing in repetition. That being said, it’s friendly, familiar and repeating for older people that need some stability. I guess that means something for them. It gives me the fits. While I could see the ground work for a rebuilding effort, over a dozen new Perry Mason films amplified the problem with the first movie. There’s really no point for Perry Mason return. Nobody actually pays attention or heed to the reasons for Mason to come back. After the fifth film, he runs out of supporting cast members to have to bail out. Is that all Perry Mason is? A guy of decent legal know-how that shows up to do the bare minimal effort? I say meh to that!

The DVD comes with no special features. The A/V Quality is very typical. There’s nothing special about it. That being said, it works for what it is. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to fans.

RELEASE DATE: 06/10/2014

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