July 30th Blu: UglyDolls, Domino, Body at Brighton Rock 3

July 30th Blu: UglyDolls, Domino, Body at Brighton Rock



UglyDolls is a kid friendly musical adventure that got brutally destroyed by Endgame. Everything that wasn’t Detective Pikachu had its lunch eaten by the Avengers, so it’s understandable. So, what about the movie is good? Especially since your kids will probably be seeing it for the first time.

As the parent of a young child, I’m always amazed by the latest trends. My kid was too young for Silly Bands, yet loves every single little weird creature that appears on the market. All of them, but the UglyDolls. This line of plush weird dolls started 15 years ago. If you want to see a movie about weird characters with celeb voices singing songs, watch Trolls. If your kids are burnt out on that one, then slip in UglyDolls.

The Blu-ray comes with featurettes, sing-along and trailers.



Domino is the latest film release from Brian DePalma. Naturally, this means every Film Twitter snot has to let people know how it doesn’t compare to anything he’s made since 1993. Meanwhile, I’ve got his upcoming book pre-ordered and I’ll fist fight any pretentious film shit who says smack about Femme Fatale. But, that’s the kind of site I run.

The one-handed Knight from Game of Thrones and Guy Pearce lead off this DePalma outing. Now, it’s about the dynamics of fighting a war on terror in a landscape where all allegiance is blurry. The usual DePalma film information tools are there, but they’re lost on a generation that has to have everything spoonfed to them. Stay for the 70s style, avoid the fact that an obvious 20 minutes were cut from the theatrical version.

The Blu-ray comes with a digital copy and a harsh reminder that every future generation is getting a smidge dumber.


Body at Brighton Rock is Roxanne Benjamin doing what she does best. Sneaking in under the radar and just killing it. Is this Karina Fontes’ first film? I haven’t seen Fontes before, but she helped breathe life into the kind of movie you’d expect to see a B movie male star limp through. However, you believe every single moment of Part-Time Wendy’s struggle to make it back alive and do the right thing. In a way, she’s a Gary Cooper for the gig economy.

Plus, did I see Miranda Bailey in this film? It’s always a pleasure to see indie talents in genre outings. Speaking of which, where has John Getz been? I miss seeing that guy in more films. The Blu-ray comes with a commentary, featurettes, photo gallery and a trailer.

UglyDolls, Domino, Body at Brighton Rock are all available July 30th

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