Saturday, March 1, 2025

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The AV Interview: Jared Cohn (Director of Street Survivors)

ANDERSONVISION: Having been a fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd for ages, I thought I understood the crash and its history. What spurred you to uncover this true look at what happened?

Artimus Pyle’s story needed to be told. The truth needed to known.

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors
street survivors lynyrd skynyrd doc 11

ANDERSONVISION: Again, I’m a huge Southern Rock fan and I’ve visited near the crash site in Mississippi. Do you feel mythologizing rock star death is morbid?

No. I feel it is honorable and respectful to Artimus and the band. 

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors

ANDERSONVISION: Why focus on Artimus Pyle? I get the logistics of it, but the focus in the film really inspired me and changed what I thought of the event.

Artimus is a marine. He lived it and never lost consciousness.

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors
street survivors lynyrd skynyrd doc 14

ANDERSONVISION: How much blowback or negative buzz did you receive while trying to make the film?

Quite a bunch. We got sued and lost and then appealed and won. The movie was banned though for a bit of time.

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors

ANDERSONVISION: Do you think it was in poor taste that MCA eventually released the original Street Survivors album cover years after the fact?

No. It was a record everyone needed to hear.

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors

ANDERSONVISION: Were you aware that If I Leave Here Tomorrow was going into production/finishing when you were starting this project?

Our movie is completely different. Didn’t make a difference to me and Artimus and Brian Perera, the producer.

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors
street survivors lynyrd skynyrd doc 1

ANDERSONVISION: I have now watched the film four times and all I have left to ask is if there will be a follow-up or a look at the survivors? It feels like there are so many stories left to tell. Hell, I’d love to see the same treatment given to Allen Collins’ life after the crash.

No. This is a stand alone film, there will not be any sequels. 

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors

ANDERSONVISION: As a fan, I just want to say Thanks for making this film. Would you consider working on a similar film for another band or this a one-off of the Lynyrd Skynyrd story?

Absolutely, I love music. A great movie about a band, sign me up!

Jared Cohn – Director of Street Survivors

Street Survivors is available now!

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Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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