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History and Theology mix!

The Bible happens.

The Bible Stories continue with this new installment. Jesus shows up and runs the show like the little black kid on Webster. We get to learn about his amazing friends, see some magic tricks and then he dies. But, he’s resurrected! Following that, we get some details on the life of his friends post second celestial life. Good times are had by all.

You get nine hours of the best nonsense that the Judeo Christian faith can throw at you. That’s about it. It’s not heavy handed, but their is a certain age range that will get more out of this than others. That being said, there needs to be a counterpoint to these stories being shared. I know that’s going to alienate half of the readers, but it’s true.

Once upon a time, I loved hearing about these stories. But, all sensible people grow up and learn that theology is nothing more than toothless mythology. Projection of human emotion is what gives these stories weight and that’s ultimately what you take from them. Everything else is just signal to noise.

The remaining documentaries are a fascinating look at how the History Channel gets away with airing religious programming disguised as historical documentaries. Sure, there are implications about culture and period changes of the time. Still, it’s like if the History Channel really wanted us to examine what “American Graffiti” had to say about JFK’s Cabinet. Dear God, I just gave them an idea for a show. This is how Pawn Stars got started and we know what became of that beast.

I want to say that I’ve reviewed all three documentaries at some point. That being said, they all cover the same ground and run together. While it’s neat to learn about different perspectives regarding a story that way too many people believe to be true. There is something to be said about the push to make people believe in dogma and then force it down a public’s throat. When does distaste and disdain begin to breed against something that was meant to help and enrich lives? It’s a heavy philosophical topic and it’s not something that we will get an answer for here. Ultimately, what we have are three short and to the point documentaries. Let’s leave it at that.

The DVD comes with no special features for the massive release. The A/V Quality is strong with a supportive transfer and a Dolby audio track. The Dolby track doesn’t get much back channel action outside of some Jesus’s wackier magic stunts. In the end, I’d recommend a rental.

RELEASE DATE: 12/15/2015

Troy Anderson is the Owner/Editor-in-Chief of AndersonVision. He uses a crack team of unknown heroes to bring you the latest and greatest in Entertainment News.

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