Inspired by the best-selling books, this charming series follows the adventures of Little Nutbrown Hare and his father, Big Nutbrown Hare, reminding us that there is no greater love than that between a parent and child. In these seven fun-filled episodes, Little Nutbrown Hare goes about exploring the meadow and playing with his friends, all the while learning valuable lessons of friendship such as the importance of being a good friend, sharing with others, embracing differences, keeping promises, taking responsibility, and learning to forgive.
“Friendship Adventures” is the latest in a long line of “Guess How Much I Love You” adaptations. Little Nutbrown Hare is fun to watch, as he gets to experience many of life’s wonders for the first time. Plus, it’s an effective resource for strengthening the parent/child bond. Over seven episodes, Little Nutbrown Hare will learn to keep promises and accept those things that he can’t change. Just like a long-timer at an AA meeting.
Young kid entertainment is always a weird bag. You either make it too juvenile and piss off the adults. On the other hand, you can make it way too young and bore the hell out of the kids watching it. So, what do you do? There’s a thin middle ground to be had and it can be had relatively easy. That being said, it’s too easy for people to pass off material as kids’ junk. If that’s the case, then what does it mean when we get quality material like this?
The DVD comes with no extras. Basically, it’s similar to the last release. You get what you get and hopefully your kid is a fan. The material is definitely aiming at the Pre-K crowd and that’s great. So many studios forget that they need entertainment that doesn’t involve Muppets. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to parents.
RELEASE DATE: 02/18/2014