Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018) 3

Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (2018)


Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far on Foot got me to research John Callahan. While that isn’t always the best indicator of film quality for the average person, it inspires me. Coming from a background where I study and research things to a Nth degree, I like that Callahan snuck up on me. Having not been from the Portland area, a lot of that local flavor missed me until the 00s. If I had know that Callahan played like a darker Gahan Wilson, then I would’ve been all over his work from a younger age.

I’m really starting to love what Joaquin Phoenix is offering up. What he offers as Callahan is something that he’s been delivering for the last five years. These are character studies of fringe individuals trying to define themselves. If the act is inspirational, then that’s incidental. Phoenix wants to highlight the freaks that somehow manage to break through the cracks in normalcy. More than anything, I’m enjoying Gus Van Sant’s best directorial effort in 13 years. Make sure that you check this out. Hell, Jonah Hill’s look in this flick is enough to put asses in seats.


  • Inside the Accident
  • Inside The Hospital

Don't Worry

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