
Daybreakers [4K UHD review]

daybreakers title

Daybreakers is a movie that I used to watch a lot. But, then it faded from memory. The concept is neat about vampires having to harvest humans to find a synthetic blood substitute. Playing with concepts like disease control and turning humans into an almost livestock is fascinating. Yet the premise eventually runs thin.

Arriving onto 4K  for the first time helps out this film. The 2160p transfer plays well with the dark levels and contrasting warm spots. Still, the winner is that Dolby Atmos track. When the back channels hit hard, it is near pant-shitting level audio. I dig what Lionsgate is doing with their 4K releases. However, I just wish the movie was better.

The special features are as follows:

  • “Making of Daybreakers” Multi-Part Documentary
  • The Big Picture (Spierig Brothers Short Film)
  • Audio Commentary with Co-Directors Peter and Michael Spierig and Creature Designer Steven Boyle
  • Theatrical Trailer

Daybreakers 4K is now available!

Daybreakers 2010 4K

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