Six Complete Episodes of The Danny Kaye Show are here.

The Danny Kaye Show didn't get the long life it deserved.

“Danny Kaye Legends” is 5 hours of the legendary show compiled to highlight the best episodes. Danny hangs out with Louis Armstrong and Lucille Ball, while keeping the material fresh. If that wasn’t enough, his show sported early debuts from Harvey Korman and Joyce Van Patten. Yes, people. THE Joyce Van Patten. I know that I’m stoked.

The DVD doesn’t sport special features. However, you’re getting six episodes that are rarely seen in their entirety on one set. If you ever were a fan of classic TV, then this is right up your alley. If you’re new to Danny Kaye, then I’d recommend the Court Jester first. Then, you should check out the show.

RELEASE DATE: 10/16/2015

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