A special crime unit investigates serialized crimes that cross over European borders and to hunt down criminals to bring them to justice. A global FBI is born.
“Crossing Lines” looks expensive and it’s on NBC. Naturally, that’s not a good mix for television longevity. Basically, it’s a global FBI show without any regard for international law. It exists in that place that used to allow for cop shows to do whatever they want in the name of making it cool. But, cool passed by the guys running this show. If anything, it exists at this paper thing attempt at capitalizing on Older America’s love of the NCIS.
Donald Sutherland and company offer up something that reads like Law & Order: French Press Unit on paper. It’s not bad, it’s just one of those series that you keep watching and wondering why it exists. Then, you show it to one of your parents and they’re glad that the old guy from “Klute” is working again. They love him and his son from the “24”. A little part of you dies, but then you get sucked in by the narrow focus of the material. It’s like you returned to your childhood and someone else controls the remote.
But, what else can I say? It’s a short first season and it doesn’t exactly capture my attention. I could say the same for a ton of new television material out there. However, that doesn’t make this a bad show. The Blu-Ray comes with a behind-the-scenes featurette. The DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track is strong enough. However, the 1080p transfer was much clearer than I remembered seeing on the NBC HD broadcast. That has to be a first. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to the curious.
RELEASE DATE: 01/21/2014