Following the success of its acclaimed series “Masters of the Air,” Apple TV+ has announced the premiere of “The Bloody Hundredth,” a new documentary that pays homage to the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Narrated by Tom Hanks and produced by the powerhouse team of Playtone-Amblin, this riveting documentary is set to debut globally on March 15, 2024, perfectly aligning with the finale of “Masters of the Air.” The project boasts executive production by industry giants Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Gary Goetzman.
Directed by Mark Herzog and Laurent Bouzereau, a frequent Spielberg collaborator, “The Bloody Hundredth” delves into the harrowing and heroic true stories of the airmen featured in “Masters of the Air.” The documentary brings to life the experiences of notable characters such as John Egan, Gale Cleven, Harry Crosby, and Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal, alongside real veterans like John “Lucky” Luckadoo and Robert Wolf. Spanning from the shock of Pearl Harbor to the jubilation of VE Day, the film captures the resilience and valor of young Americans during one of history’s most tumultuous times.
Apple TV+ continues to distinguish itself as a premier destination for premium content, offering an array of drama, comedy, groundbreaking documentaries, and family entertainment. Since its launch on November 1, 2019, Apple TV+ has emerged as the first all-original streaming service to launch globally, rapidly garnering critical acclaim and numerous awards. To date, Apple Originals have accumulated 471 wins and 2,090 nominations, including accolades for the multi-Emmy Award-winning “Ted Lasso” and the historic Oscar Best Picture winner “CODA.”