“The Resurrected” follows a man hiding away from society, as he tries to cheat death. His wife freaks out and pays a detective to find out what happened to him. This leads to sick practical effects and a fascinating look at amateur necromancy. Legendary Horror Director Dan O’ Bannon has an eye for Lovecraft, but he never quite gets the feel of a Lovecraft tale. At times, this film could’ve easily passed for a knock on Cronenberg’s work.
What does that mean for you? Well, this film was dumped to video rather fast in the early 1990s. Many of you might have seen the film play under the title Shatterbrain, if you were even able to see the film at all. Dig this one up for the masterful practical effects and Chris Sarandon performance. Everything else only belongs to those trying to be Lovecraft completists.
- Interviews
- Commentary
- Deleted and Extended Scenes
- 1.85:1 1080p transfer
- DTS-HD 5.1 master audio track