“Kubo and the Two Strings” is dark, yet light. A complex fairy tale about personal origins told against broad mythology. As Kubo begins his quest, he feels like a mix between Greek mythical heroes and those belonging to the East. His quest begins to search for his dead father’s mystical armor. While traversing the open world, he is befriended by a monkey spirit. The monkey guides him and keeps out of danger. But, his god like grandfather and bizarre Sisterly Aunts stalk him at every turn.
Somewhere between the stunning visuals and original score, the audience comes to learn something. This is a film about more than another young hero orphan boy discovering his true nature. It’s a film about parental love and going the distance. Kubo loses an eye early, but he’s carried on by the help of a Beetle and Monkey spirit. Later, we find out that this is his godly mother and father. While amnesia strikes them all to an extent, the shared love powers them through any trials.
Laika is just killing it with these animated features. However, I feel that it might be a bit too much for younger kids. You can go over the elementary school set’s heads. That being said, these films need to continue. Animation needs it. The World needs it.
- 1 hr and 41 mins
- PG
- Focus/Universal