Ghost Cat Anzu, the playful new anime film co-directed by Yôko Kuno and Nobuhiro Yamashita, pounces onto Blu-ray™ on March 4, following a successful U.S. theatrical run in November. Ahead of that physical release, fans can get the movie on digital platforms starting January 28—including Amazon, Apple, Google, Fandango, Microsoft, and iNDEMAND.
The Story
Stranded in rural Japan by her father, tween Karin must live with her grandfather at a small temple. She soon meets Anzu, a massive “ghost cat” with a lazy streak, assigned to watch over her. Skeptical of her new guardian, Karin disrupts Anzu’s odd jobs around town and befriends the region’s oddball forest spirits. But when Anzu tries to get on Karin’s good side, he strikes a devilish bargain that unleashes chaos.
Production Highlights
- First filmed in live action with scenes rotoscoped into animation.
- Co-directed by Yôko Kuno (feature directorial debut) and Nobuhiro Yamashita (Linda Linda Linda).
- Produced by Shin-Ei Animation and Miyu Productions.
- Music by Keiichi Suzuki (EarthBound).
Blu-ray & Digital Release Info
- Blu-ray™ Release: March 4 (from GKIDS & Shout! Studios)
- Digital Release: January 28
- Bonus Features: Teasers and trailers