5 25 77 title

5 25 77 (2022) [Blu-ray review]

5 25 77 is a film script I first read when Moonwatcher let me read over a decade ago. I followed it throughout the years, as I wanted to see what became of his work. Hell, it was weird to be like that because I remember watching his Spaced Invaders at the local mall theater when I was 9. I couldn’t believe this guy was having trouble getting 5 25 77 or his version of Speed Racer made.

5 25 77 1

Star Wars has a place in film fans’ hearts, regardless of how they feel now.

Star Wars producer Gary Kurtz being involved in this film feels fun for a historical perspective. As the original producer of Episodes 4 and 5, he was often the guy on the frontlines doing the pre and post work to make sure the film got seen. Whether that was touring the regional Sci-Fi expos of the late 70s to convincing FOX, it feels appropriate to see him tackling the story of a filmmaker shaped by the movie.

5 25 77 2

Coming of Age stories told in an autobiographical slant play weird

Coming of Age stories are always a weird sell. Mainly because you can shoot them on the cheap and everyone feels like they can tell it best. What makes it so great is that Moonwatcher has had this story to tell for almost 20 years and after all of the hard work, it finally hits the big screen. Due to how it got a release, most of those big screen outings were on the festival circuit. Thanks to MVD, everyone now gets a chance to see it on home video.

What comes on the 5 25 77 Blu-ray?

5 25 77 comes to Blu-ray with an audio commentary from writer/director Patrick Read Johnson. Plus, you get a Q&A from the 2013 Fantasia Film Festival. The Blu-ray is rounded out with a trailer and photo gallery.

The A/V Quality is pretty strong, but I found the choice in presentation to be a little odd. But that turned out to be due to the media changing over the years due to the lengthy shoot. If you can handle watching Natural Born Killers, then you can swing this one.

5 25 77 is now available from MVD


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